臨床評估就是用臨床的角度來評估產品上市前與上市後安全性及功效性(Safety & Performance)外,在加上MDR的要求的臨床效益(Clinical benefits)。最後用足夠的證據能證明產品上市前與上市後安全性,功效性,臨床效益是合規的。
這幾年各醫材從MDD轉換到MDR時,在產品的認證中,遇到最大的挑戰為CER(Clinical Evaluation Report),臨床評估報告。
GHTF在2007就發布Clinical Evaluation, SG5/N2R8:2007, 這是最原始的參考,目前MEDEMEDDEV2.7/1 Rev4也參照該文件,本文件相當簡要,有28頁,是了解Clinical Evaluation觀念最好的參考。
Why is clinical evaluation important?
When placing a medical device on the market the manufacturer must have demonstrated through the use of appropriate conformity assessment procedures that the device complies with the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices (the Essential Principles).將醫療器材投放市場時,製造商必須展現使用適當的合格評定程序證明該器材符合醫療器材安全和性能的基本原則(基本原則)。
Generally, from a clinical perspective, it is expected that the manufacturer has demonstrated the device achieves its intended performance during normal conditions of use and that the known, and foreseeable risks, and any adverse events, are minimised and acceptable when weighed
against the benefits of the intended performance, and that any claims made about the device’s performance and safety (e.g. product labelling and instructions for use) are supported by suitable evidence.一般來說,從臨床角度來看,製造商應該已經證明該設備在正常使用條件下達到了預期性能,並且已知和可預見的風險以及任何不良事件時與預期性能的好處相抵時已降至最低並可接受的程度,並且關於設備性能和安全性的任何聲明(例如產品標籤示和使用說明)均有適當的證據支持。
With regard to post market activities, manufacturers are expected to implement and maintain surveillance programs that routinely monitor the clinical performance and safety of the device as part of their Quality Management System. The scope and nature of such post market
surveillance should be appropriate to the device and its intended use. Using data generated from such programs (e.g. safety reports, including adverse event reports; results from published literature, any further clinical investigations and formal post market surveillance studies; etc), a manufacturer should periodically review performance, safety and the benefit-risk assessment for the device through a clinical evaluation, and update the clinical evidence accordingly. This ongoing clinical evaluation process should allow manufacturers to communicate with conformity assessment bodies and regulatory authorities in accordance with local reporting requirements any information that has an important bearing on the benefit-risk assessment of the device or that would indicate a need for labelling changes regarding contraindications, warnings, precautions or instructions for use etc.
此類上市後的範圍和性質監督應符合該器材及其預期用途。 使用此類程序生成的數據(例如安全報告,不良事件報告;已發表文獻的結果、任何進一步的臨床調查和正式的上市後監督研究等),製造商應定期審查性能、安全性和收益風險評估 該設備通過臨床評估,並相應地更新臨床證據。這種持續的臨床評估過程應允許製造商根據當地報告要求與合格評定機構和監管機構溝通任何對設備的利益風險評估有重要影響或表明需要改變禁忌症標示的信息 、警告、注意事項或使用說明等。
醫材法規要求的都是確保安全性及功效性(Safety & Performance), 而醫材的產品生命週期包含上市前與上市後。
就MDR的要求,特地提到了臨床效益(clinical benefits)如下
(44) ‘clinical evaluation’ means a systematic and planned process to continuously generate, collect, analyse and assess the clinical data pertaining to a device in order to verify the safety and performance, including clinical benefits, of the device when used as intended by the manufacturer;
簡言之,臨床評估就是用臨床的角度來評估產品上市前與上市後安全性,功效性及臨床效益(Safety , Performance, & Clinical benefits)。
就設計的角度觀之,這是設計前對競品的分析,用以得出設計輸入,如產品規格(包含降低風險的設計),設計上至少確認與競品的等同性(Clinical, Technical, Biological)。
了解臨床資料Clinical Data
前面提到,臨床評估就是用臨床的角度來評估產品, 臨床的角度可用臨床資料(Clinical Data)具體表示,Clinical Data可參考MDR的定義(第48項),這是執行臨床評估前須具備的清楚觀念。
(48) ‘clinical data’ means information concerning safety or performance that is generated from the use of a device and is
sourced from the following:
(48) “臨床數據”是指使用該醫材產生的有關安全或性能的信息,並且是
來源於以下內容:— clinical investigation(s) of the device concerned,
— clinical investigation(s) or other studies reported in scientific literature, of a device for which equivalence to the device in question can be demonstrated,
– 相關醫材的臨床調查,
– 科學文獻中報告的臨床調查或其他研究,可以證明與相關醫材等效的器材— reports published in peer reviewed scientific literature on other clinical experience of either the device in question or a device for which equivalence to the device in question can be demonstrated,
– 在同行評議的科學文獻中發表的關於相關醫材或可以證明與相關等效的醫材的其他臨床經驗的報告,— clinically relevant information coming from post-market surveillance, in particular the post-market clinical follow-up;
— 來自上市後監測的臨床相關信息,特別是上市後臨床追蹤;
1. 醫材產業須念茲在茲的關鍵字,Safety(安全性),Performance(功效性)。而MDR更特地強調了臨床效益(clinical benefits)。
2. 該產品的臨床調查(clinical investigation)資料,或是與該產品等同者之臨床調查(clinical investigation)資料
3. 資料含該產品可參考的科學文獻,或是與該產品等同者之可參考的科學文獻。
4. 上市後監督取得的臨床相關資訊。法規目前看到層面已從以前上市前送件審查,到包含上市後資料,也就是看整個產品生命週期
臨床調查(clinical investigation)
(45) ‘clinical investigation’ means any systematic investigation involving one or more human subjects, undertaken to assess the safety or performance of a device; (45) “臨床調查”是指涉及一個或多個人類受試者的任何系統調查,旨在評估醫材的安全性或性能;
根據MDR的要求,MDR, Annex XIV, Part A (3),臨床評估可能根據實質等同產品的臨床資料進行評估。
A clinical evaluation may be based on clinical data relating to a device for which equivalence to the device in question can be demonstrated.
在MDCG 2020–5 Clinical Evaluation — Equivalence就很清楚提到
The demonstration of equivalence does not remove the requirement to always conduct a clinical evaluation in accordance with the MDR.
It is the demonstration of equivalence that allows the manufacturer to let clinical data from an equivalent device enter the clinical evaluation process of the device in question for the purpose of confirmation of conformity with relevant general safety and performance
等效性的證明並不能免除始終根據 MDR 進行臨床評估的要求。
MDR要求等同需含技術性(technical), 生物性(biological), 臨床(Clinical)這三個特性。雖然MEDDEV的描述與MDR類似,但是還是有差異,差異處列舉如下
由此觀之,產品建議先參考市面競品,再從技術性(technical), 生物性(biological), 臨床(Clinical)這三個特性訂定規格,以確保等同。
另外,在開始執行臨床評估前,一定要擬定臨床評估計畫,如果是之前已取得CE的產品,臨床評估計畫則參考MDCG 2020–6之第19頁。
臨床評估可用Table 4來展現其架構,如是以臨床資料進行評估/分析,而臨床資料在時程上,有上市前與上市後的資料,而參考的資料可來自實質等同的,而無法適用實質等同產品,則可能需要進行臨床調查(Clinical Investigation).
在GHTF Clinical Evaluation, SG5/N2R8:2007這裡提到何時導入?其觀念提到,在於整個開發生命週期
Clinical evaluation is an ongoing process conducted throughout the life cycle of a medical device. It is first performed during the conformity assessment process leading to the marketing of a medical device and then repeated periodically as new clinical safety and performance information about the device is obtained during its use. This information is fed into the ongoing risk analysis and may result in changes to the Instructions for Use
臨床評估是貫穿醫療器材整個生命週期的持續過程。 它首先在導致醫療器材上市的合格評定過程中執行,然後隨著在其使用過程中定期重複獲得有關該器材的新的臨床安全和性能信息。 此信息被輸入到正在進行的風險分析,並可能導致使用說明的更改
Fig 1為臨床評估作業在設計開發流程的位置,QMS可以此觀念導入設計管制流程。
從設計流程的角度,評估作業分別發生在設計輸入(Design Input)前,與設計驗證確效(V&V)後。
此外,如果沒有可用的參考,在專案規劃上就需要安排臨床調查(clinical investigation)。
設計驗證後,則需整合產出輸出的資料,有的甚至還要取得上市後的資料(針對MDCG 2020–6的要求),整合後進行分析,確認符合法規(也就是MDR之GSPR)的功效性與安全性。
這裡先不討論臨床評估的4大步驟,而是先對臨床評估的核心觀念,就是用臨床的角度來評估產品,具體作法就是採用臨床資料(Clinical Data),如果被評估的醫材與其他具有臨床資料者有等同性,則可藉由等同性善用其臨床資料。