
美國FDA Pre-Cert Program昭示了對下世代SaMD之要求,事實上其精神與歐盟醫材法規有異曲同工之妙,如TPLC的概念,臨床效益等。


了解Pre-Cert Program, 可從第1章導論開始,而後參考第6章取得全面之概念,最後就2,3,4,5章做細部了解。

這裡也與AI/ML framework做比較,也從其異同之處探討,最後提出對應組織架構的建議。

A Study of Proposed Regulatory Framework for modifications to AI/ML based SaMD

In this article, the structure is based on FDA’s proposed Regulatory Framework for modifications to AI/ML based Software based Medical Device (SaMD). Visual organization of contents is provided, and also the comparison between AI/ML SaMD and other cleared SaMD is introduced in the related chapters.

A Study of Proposed Regulatory Framework for modifications to AI/ML based SaMD 閱讀全文 »

Quick-guide on Software Pre-Cert Program (1) – Freiheit als Autonomie as an essence

本文是針對FDA發布之 “The Software Precertification Pilot Program version 1.0 Working Model”,做個摘要整理。 個人認為Software Pre-Cert Program 是未來醫療軟體開發一定會面對的要求,而且組織的品質管理更加重要!組織管理品質被FDA認證等級更高者,自由度越大。所以引用康德的名言,“自律即自由:作個開端。

Quick-guide on Software Pre-Cert Program (1) – Freiheit als Autonomie as an essence 閱讀全文 »
